Sunday, September 29, 2013


I like geckos in the house. Fascinating little creatures and they keep the insect population down. I could live with them. Unfortunately for the geckos, Glynis does not see it that way. Screams from the kitchen alerted me to fact there was an unwelcome visitor.

He was hanging on the kitchen ceiling with not a care in the world. I don't jump so the plan was to scare him with a broom (no touching) so that he moved to the walls and into my waiting Tupperware.

I stood below him , looking forward to watching him scurry upside down and across the ceiling. They have spider man skills. The gecko didn't read the script. He just let go. Freefalled, terminal velocity.

Well Serenity thought it was hilarious. She has never seen her Dad do the i have a unexpected reptile on my shoulder dance. A quick faststep around the kitchen floor and my partner then left me to hide under the fridge. Very similar to my experience in the school disco.

We did manage to corner him a few hours later. He had made his way to the kitchen bench where I maneuvered him into the sink.  Once in the slightly wet stainless steel sink his powers evaporated. The little feet were moving but he wasn't going anywhere apart from my plastic box and outside.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


A demon about to be let loose on the world. Also a guy with paint on his face.

Dr Dre would be impressed. Check out the video from previous post

Can I name it fluffy and keep it

The moon cake eating race. I know what you are thinking but I had just had lunch. I may start training for next year. Moon cakes are very similar to a pie but with a sweet filling. This should be a doddle for me. I resisted the urge to say it would be a piece of cake or a picnic

Some sweet older women dancing with murderous looking fans. They knew how to use them. The air would crack whenever they flicked the fans open

A lot of the show had everyone kung fu fighting. Those cats were fast as lightning. In fact it was a little bit frightening But they fought with expert timing.


Pump up the volume


Tuesday, September 10, 2013


 How about we visit a traditional fishing village. The drive here took forever, which is how you find anything traditional. Of course with any long drive and young people in the car there is always that annoying voice going on "Are we there yet". This went on for an hour or two until I got bored and stopped saying it.

It was the first place where communication has been difficult. Lets put the fault where it lies. We only speak english and don't even do that very well. A  girl at a nearby table helped translate our order and we had lunch.

Glynis perusing the dried fish while Seren is on lookout duty.

Do not park your car here. It leaves tire marks on the shrimps.


 Seren enjoying the foam party. To be honest it was hard to tell as we did not see much of her.


The suds were really hard on the eyes. One thing for sure, all the kids were squeaky clean.

 Nothing like a big toothy grin to show you survived