Saturday, May 31, 2014

Its only natural

                                                   Lots of everything in Penang

Some mornings we  would go down to the car park and be confronted with an apocalyptic scene. Give them credit, insects  know how to party. The floors would be covered in the remains from the previous night.

Other times there would just be collection of wings. What madness is this? Did the creatures just decide to jettison  wings en mass and walk out with a nonchalant whistle. Or is there some thing more sinister at foot? Are predators crashing the party and just leaving the broccoli ..sorry I meant wings

Its a snail. That's obvious. It was a really big snail which is not so obvious. After this I decided to use the international scale of size, wife's hand ruler. I have checked with Greenwich observatory and this is quite legitimate.

We watched this thing lying on its back for some time before deciding it was safe to bring out our scale of size ruler. You have no idea how much I was wanted this thing to twitch and roll onto the wife's pinkie.

                                   Turtle living at the bottom of our condominium

I took a long time trying to get a photo of Mr Turtle. He was doing the poke head in, poke head out and not smiling for the camera trick. During this time I realised the ground next to him was moving. Took a moment to figure it out. There was hundreds of black baby frogs jumping away from Mr Turtle and my camera. I tried to get a photo but to small and nimble. Not me!! The frogs. The best I could do was them in pre-frog form. Yes, I snuck up on some unsuspecting tadpoles.

 I get that regularly where people mistake me for the caped crusader. Was not surprised to find the bat symbol projected onto the lounge wall. Looked out the glass sliding doors and realised my mistake. It was only  .............................. MOTHZILLA

            I just love the way he/she comes in bronze aluminium window joinery colour.


For a more scientific explaination of  size and scale please watching the following education video. Have a pen and paper handy as you may need to take notes.

cheers  mark , glynis  and serenity

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Less than optimal

Not the best 4 weeks of my life. I felt like a pin cushion. Everyone wants to jab me with needles which only increases my phobia. So I don't like needles and injections. Call me crazy. I am also not very keen on being stabbed or shot as well. In fact any attempt to murder me is generally not well received. (Nobody actually did try to terminate me in the 4 weeks)

Lets start at the beginning ... 4 weeks before. I had a Penang slightly sore throat. Unfortunately next day I had a flight through Beijing then on to Northern Carolina in the USA. Nothing like a long haul to morph a sore throat into a congested sniveling mess. I had  a  workshop  in Northern Carolina and planned to arrived a few days early to get over the jet lag and be on top form. Unfortunately any idea of top form disappeared with my 'man flu'. I also ditched any thoughts of going to the gym and attempting to keep up my fitness

I sort of hobbled throught the workshop with strategic handkerchiefs and lots of medication. Unfortunately there was one part of the 'man flu' process I was unprepared for. Imagine a very quiet room with lots of people when you suddenly and expectantly develop an incredible tickle throat. Luckily I remembered they had supplied lunch for us and there was  honey in a little plastic bear shaped squeeze bottle in the lunch room. I have no idea what this honey would be used for on fruit platter and snacks but was very grateful it was there. I  clugged away on honey bear for all I was worth and it seemed to do the trick.

Finished the workshop and enjoyed my stay in America despite my cold . Everyone was so super friendly and would go out of there way to help me. It left a great impression. I would like to take Glynis and Seren there at some stage but  unfortunately the shops are just to amazing so it cannot possibly ever happen.

Anyway, arrive back in Penang about two weeks later, jet lagged and  less than optimal. As soon as I saw Serenity her eyes welled up with tears and she had that look like "Dad you are never going to leave me again". She is probably right.

So no gym again for a week while I attempt to recover some former self. The I decided to make a start on getting my fitness back. On my third cross fit class my shoulder got a very hot burning sensation. Left to my own device I would not have pushed to hard, to soon. I had  a PT standing over me so did not want to lose face by backing off. Regrets, I've had a few.

The shoulder really freaked me out.  I did not have the power to raise a straight arm. It was not sore, just nothing there. Whatever was involved in lifting my arm had stopped working. The deltoid had also taken on a mind of its own. Constantly twitching and cramping. I was waiting for the little alien to pop out of my shoulder. HELP.

In quick succession I saw a chiropractor, doctor, qigong practitioner and a Cranio-Sacral therapist. I am sure you can see the problem here..two of them are quacks. The chiropractor was worse than useless and expensive while the Doctor seemed away with the fairies. The Doctor, drew first blood *2 (there is those needles I hate) and made appointments for a physio business which I think he owns. The Qigong practitioner is treating me for free and I am keeping an open mind about. The Cranio-Sacral was amazing and really made a difference.

I had a week where the right arms only function was to make me look symmetrical. Its lack of ability in other departments was worrying so decided to go to another physio who has a great reputation. He then sent me to an orthopedic surgeon who recommended me to have an MRI scan. If was looking like a torn rotor cuff injury. The problem from my point of view with an MRI is they have to inject a contrasting material into my shoulder joint. This is so they get a nice image on the scans.

I am lying on the table feeling very nervous as a doctor puts the first anaesthetic needle in. He promised the next needle with the contrasting material would be the same size. I think there was a problem. My fear induced and greatly heightened senses clearly hear someone ask for the spinal needle. They needed to go deeper, longer, faster or something like that. Through tightly clenched teeth I tried to go take my mind to a happier place.

The actual MRI is a easy. They give you a set of head phones with music to help drown out the sound as the machine does its thing. I waited around for the results and to talk to the surgeon. The first thing he said to me was "whoopee". I don't need surgery as the tendons are not torn only inflamed (tendinitis). What a relief but a bit concerned with possible cortisone injection.

I was still counting my blessings on the car ride home when the pain kicked in. My tooth was just so sore. All that teeth clenching from the injections. A few hours later it got so bad I had to crash the dentist. They took Xrays and it looked like not much tooth left to save so would have to perform an implant. The cost over 6000RM (2200 NZD). That seemed ridiculous. I had just had an Xray and filling for 120RM (43NZD) so it looked way out of proportion.. I decided to get some pain killers and go home and do some research.

 Later that night I realised I had made a big mistake. The pain killers were only lasting 3 hours and I was limited to 3 a day. Some quick maths showed I would have 9 pain free hours in a 24 hour period. Also a quick internet search showed thay was a  normal price for an implant and it would cost three times as much in NZ. The dentist was now closed. It was a horrible night.

And a horrible next day. Another Penang public holiday. It is great that Penang is all about celebrations and holidays but did all the dentists have to celebrate en mass. That day I went to the emergency room at a local hospital as everything else closed.  Some stronger pain killers were in order. They were two a day and gave me about 6 hours of no pain.(They were meant to last 12 hours). I managed to chop a bit there and add some there and survive another 24 hours to be waiting first thing when the dentist opened.

I had no appointment with the dentist and all the receptionist could offer was an appointment at 6 pm that night. I was explaining that I was in to much pain when one of the dentists overheard. She had a quick look at my Xray and said she could do a quick root canal which would probably relieve the pain. She was angel. Once I got in her chair I couldn't wait until she started sticking needles in my gums. When she said she was going to stick a needle directly into my nerve I was really up for it. Bring it on, more the merrier is what I always say.

Then she told me to breath thought my nose as there was a lot of pus coming up from the tooth. I was thinking does she mean (Jed Clampett and out from the tooth comes a bubbling crude) or was she talking (Monty python piano player) type of fountain. It all helps to pass the time.

She really is an incredible dentist. The speed she worked and the empathy she showed. Anyways, got back home, went to bed and woke up a few hours later pain free. I felt great but hungry. Now when you have a serous hunger there is something you really want. I could not get it out of my mind. You can cook it in a fry pan until it is crispy and have it between bread or have it with eggs. Come on , you know where I am going with this. Just say it. Kevin Bacon.

Two days later..with my crew and happy again. Face still swollen.

Further study outside the blog

Bubbling crude reference

Monty Python reference

Kevin_Bacon reference

info on bubbling crude

info on Monty python Piano

info on Bacon

more animals

Feeding a monkey or as I like to call it a squirrel monkey valley

Binturong or Bearcat

Normal bear with no cat qualities


Submarine surrounded by fish


Porcupine checked me out..I did not reciprocate

Man of the forest

Meet Adam. An 11 year old Orangutan who lives on Orang Utan Island.

Adam was born here and this is a picture of a picture of him as a baby. Looks like he has the nappy changing under control

The orangutans are free to roam the island while the humans are restricted to cages. Here Adam waits for the humans to do a new trick. The taller one obliges and waves a cuddly toy

Thousands of pull ups a day means they are very strong. Years ago one escaped into the jetty area. The humans all dived into the water which must have been very amusing for the orangutan. He was having such a pleasant day eating all the ice creams from the deserted shop until the ranger turned up with his tranquilliser gun

 They share 96.4% of our DNA and have similar senses to our own that include hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch.

Everyday stuff

 This fellow would always check to make sure we were recycling properly.Cardboard to cardboard bin. Plastic to plastic bin. One day he was gone so assumed he thought we were now at an acceptable level. He must have moved to help less experienced recyclers.

This is a very normal situation in Penang. It really bothers me

So we live in a condominium with hundreds of Chinese speaking people. Here is Seren learning Chinese via Skype from a girl in Texas. The Irony.

We babysat a lovely little hamster for a week. She was great apart from her love of the Internet. I marvel how I can be connected to the world via an ethernet cable. The hamster marvels at how fresh and tasty the blue ethernet cable can be.

I thought maybe fresh milk and petrol but I think these are bulls

Maybe a hug from Elsa of frozen


Interactive 3D paintings. All painted on a flat wall

Door to door sales
No lip from you
Nice cat
Glynis washes hands for dinner

Peace and
Dino for a walk

Light my condo

No updates for quite some time so now playing catch up. Sorry. Months ago it was dry. We noticed a small fire at the start of the jungle next to our gate house. The security guards were running back and forth so assumed they had it under control or had taken up jogging.
 It took ages for the fire brigade to arrive and this thing was getting bigger and bigger. The jungle was still fairly green so we were not to concerned. If we were living in Aus we would have high tailed it out of there at the first sign of flame.

The fire brigade put the fire out easily. Three weeks later it was really dry. There were 13 fires going on in the mountains behind us. They must have been deliberately lit because jungle does not normally self -combust.

The only way to reach the fires was by plane. The unidentified flying object in the high quality photo above is a water bombing plane which spent days doing circuits over our condo to eventually extinguish the blazes.