Friday, April 8, 2016

Creatures and dark happenings

This will make your toes curl. We are all sitting at a restaurant waiting for our food to be delivered.

A guy at another table gets Brian's attention and warns Brian  there is a spider crawling up his leg.  Quick as a flash Brian knocks the spider away. It falls to the sand floor and I took this photo when it hopped onto Brian's formal beach shoes.

We are all having a laugh as you do when incy wincy spider tries to climb you. We were wondering where the spider had got to when Brian spots him again. He is now sitting on the edge of our table, just staring at Brian.

Australians have amazing reflexes when it comes to this sort of thing. Gina was having none of this. No one messes with her man.  With an overhand delivery her formal beach shoe slammed into the table top.

It missed Mr Spider by mere inches. He had seen it coming and did this quite amazing jump. I am sure he was yelling "yippee" but in a little spider voice so we could not hear him.

With the spider jump into a packed restaurant it left us wondering whose soup spider eventually landed in.

Now with the spider gone and  the jokes finally subsiding, we continued enjoying our meal. Only there was a lingering doubt. Every now and then I would scan under the table to make sure nothing else nasty was going for a leg climb.

I had just finished an under-table scan and looked up at Brian. I don't believe this. "Dude, its on your shoulder".  What ever message this spider was trying to convey to Brian it never got the chance. Once again it was knocked away.  Three strikes and you are out. In fact we were out.

At this stage everyone's nerves were frayed. We moved to another table. I was thinking maybe a larger distance move. Another restaurant, island, country, planet.

This is a photo Glynis took a few days later  She was walking along quite merrily when she got an itchy ear. With her finger she felt something bigger than an itch and hooked it out. Another spider. It left her with a couple of bites on her ear. I will keep my eye on her to see if she morphs into anything useful, there is a bit of circus work going around at the moment.

Its so much safer in the sea, completely submerged.

Nothing to judge scale. This thing was massive. Would feed a family of three. Probably not my family. We would fight over who got the breast meat and who got the legs.

Slinking down the coconut tree.

Cutie sitting on the branches next to our bungalow

Perhentian Fishing

I can tell you there were some very excited fisher people on the boat that day. Catch enough of these bad boys , put them together and you can make something that resembles a fish.

The boatman said it was not squid season so missed out on the squid curry. (Loud sobbing)

The Boat crew were very eager to have the fish which was fine. I don't like my chances of filleting one.


         Followed this turtle for 15 minutes as he wandered about, munching on the seaweed.

                                                     Seren goes in for a closer look.

                                                                         and a selfie


Serenitys scuba experience

Seren  doing her first dive at 8 years old. She was lucky to have Steve who is an exceptional dive instructor and comedian.

Lots of skills when they first enter the water. Seren had to show she could remove and purge her regulator, clear her mask if it was full of water and find her regulator if lost. There was a strong swell so Steve held her while practicing the skills.

Then time for a dive.

Perhentian below the surface

It was the end of the monsoon season and we had just missed some heavy rain so the water was murky compared to our previous trip

Still an amazing place. Nobody can visit Perhentians just once. Its just not possible.

There is so much color and life under the water

Clownfish but for some reason people now call them Nemo fish

This stingray took off at speed leaving a trial of sand. He got a  surprise when I knelt on his pointy bit. To be honest I thought he was  sand and not sure who got the biggest fright.

Found a faulty fish. He had forgotten how to do fish and swim level. A quick check revealed no reset button. Someone with technical knowledge needs to Control-Alt-Delete this fish and get him back to normal operation.

Ironic that it was Easter and I found two underwater easter eggs.

Then I realized I was just being silly.

These were obviously pods for an alien life form that would one day hatch and  initiate world domination. We are all doomed I tell you.

Meanwhile I marvel at the color of a ray.

Seren dives down to hassle some clown fish. If you point your finger at them they assume you are considering moving into the anemone home. Homes like that are hard to come by. They would burst out and aggressively posture as much as you can when you are two inches long and dress like a clown.

 Our best snorkeling was on the final day when the swell had subsided.  We tried 3 places to snorkel. The first was at the lighthouse but very strong current meant we had to give up. The second was a nice bay but the previous unsettled weather had brought thousands of stinging jellyfish into it.

The final dive was almost perfect. Great visibility and there was known to be reef sharks in the area. I tried to attract sharks buy peeing in the water but not much happened apart from a small damsel fish giving me a second glance.

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