Tuesday, July 30, 2013



Took our little car for a drive
My co-pilot was having a bit of trouble with the screen lock on our GPS phone so we missed the turnoff.

And ended up on a one way 13 km long bridge from Penang to the Malaysian mainland. Of course that makes 26 km when you consider you have to turn round and come straight back. Still it did get us wondering what other things we could explore on that side.

Wheels is the title...so here are some on a very macho truck. This thing just looked like a grown up tonka toy

Now small wheels. We followed this guy for about a mile. For some of it it looked like he was not using his arms to drive which was pretty impressive. Then we realised there was someone else driving the front of the scooter. He lost points for that.

Clan jetties

We took a trip to the clan jetties in Georgetown. Families have built houses on wooden stilts and concrete piles that go out to the sea.

 I was interested in the construction technique. Looks like pipes and paint tins full of concrete

Don't bother looking for Wally but Glynis and Seren are in the picture 

Nice to be able to park your boat at the edge of your house

More Georgetown street art

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Losing my ....

I spotted it straight away as well.
There is definitely a bald spot on
the back of my head.

Sleeping Buddha


Serenity getting close and personal.  Glynis was eyeing it up for making a pair of shoes. The snake looked worried.

We went to Penang hill. Wicked train ride to the summit. First time I have had to equalise on a train. At the top we explored the monkey cup gardens. One of the guys asked if seren wanted to handle a millipede. She did not

So then he enquires if she would like to hold a scorpion. I have never seen seren move so fast ...  away from the scorpion

He then did the normal thing. Put the scorpion on his head and tried to coax seren into reconsidering. She was adament about giving it a wide berth.  I was happy about that. Self preservation is a fine quality.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Penang Street Art

A certain irony in being next to Bruce Lee. He probably started my fascination with Asia. He is in the news this week as it has been 40 years since he was on film.

See it while you can....the first and last time Serenity will be on the back of a motorcycle

Saturday, July 13, 2013

I know..more monkeys..but these ones look different

About this blog

This is  for our family and friends. All the photos taken so far are from mine or hooks mobile phone. It is not a real travel blog. Just a way of keeping everyone updated. Hopefully it will go some way to stop the moaning about my lack of emails.

We would love to get more photos of the 3 together. One poor sod always ends up holding the camera phone. I am always on the look-out for someone who can help take a picture. I need to be able to beat them in  in a running race should they decide to do a runner with my phone.  It can be difficult to find that perfect unfit, overweight  person who runs with a limp.


My favourite to date

Sorry for the poor photo. I took it so I would remember to go back  again. Great prawn lam mee.

The waiting is over..finally a video of my ear

click on this link hawker

Glynis likes to keep dinner to under 10NZD. Sometimes it balloons out to 13NZD if she is drinking tiger.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The botanical garden (Tanjung Tokong)

Really liked the flowers on the cannonball tree. The tree itself is rather drab and plain looking. Out from the main trunk of the tree comes these amazing coloured flowers. They dont look like they belong and that someone has glued them to the trunk.

We also saw monkeys, lizards , frogs , turtles and the bushy tale of an unknown animal that disappeared into the jungle

hey hey we're the monkeys

I just cant stop looking at monkeys. In one of the apartments we looked at they were playing in the trees  in the back yard. It was great but just to near the jungle and mosquitoes for us to really be interested in. There is always something going on when monkeys are about. Basically they are adorable thieving little villains. They are always on the lookout for anybody eating. You think they are not looking but you can be sure they are watching, and waiting. They attack with a lot of momentum and to date I have never seen them miss getting the food off the human. Here are some cute pictures

Fish bait (batu ferringhi)

In a bid to entice Glynis into the beauty spa  Serenity was offered the chance to feed the fish. She was the bait and had a real giggle as a few hundred fish nibbled away at her legs.


Finally some water I really want to drink. Especially made for summer drinking. Ladies and Gentlemen. I give you angry bird water.

(contains no bird parts)


What a week that was. Serenity got an ear infection that grew and grew.. We were in the pool a few times a day practising under water crayfish removal techniques for our eventual return to NZ. It looks like some pool water had got lodged in her ear and started the infection.This then lead to a sore ear and more seriously a swollen neck and painful jaw.

We did the late night trip to the hospital at Tunjung Bungah. They gave us the option of admitting her and putting a line in or taking her home with oral antibiotics. We choose to take her home. It was a very rough night. I slept in her room and she was moaning with pain for a large part of the night.

The second day we took her back to hospital as did not want her to have another night like that. We bounced between ENT specialist and paediatrician. The hospital then admitted her and attempted to put a line into her arm. It took a lot of time but they eventually got it secured. It looked like plain sailing but she found it to painful when the meds were injected in the line. They then went back to oral antibiotics. Glynis stayed with her that night for a grand total of three sleepless nights.