Friday, August 8, 2014

From the window

I must apologise. The monkey started without me so had no time to tidy up. It is difficult working with animals. The choreography and hours of rehearsals then he goes and messes up like that. Did not even hang around for the grand finale like we planned.

The girls are coming back from NZ in a few weeks and Jamie is arriving. We are going to get some furniture and make the nest more comfortable. More than a feeling this is going to be a great home.

So here we have a quick visual tour of the new apartment. A personal best in boring video content but have snazzied it up with a backing track. If it gets to much, close your eyes, listen to the music.

The camera shake at the end was me yelling encouragement to the monkey. Unfortunately at that stage he was already absent without leave.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


"Shout it out"

    Great having friends over

Gives us a chance to go out

          and eat,

and get close.

           We have some laughs

see some cool stuff

   and get with the groove.

The funniest part is where

they hold disgusting and dangerous creatures.

We would never do that.

Lets hope they have travel insurance.

Hope you felt some of the magic.