Thursday, August 29, 2013


I have no bananas. Glynis was making me store my bunch out on the deck ( She saw an ant on one banana). I was cool with this. Nothing like sitting out on the deck and kicking back a banana or two after a hard day at the office. Of course I was careful to time my consumption. I wanted to enjoy them all week but not have them get to mushy.
Then disaster struck on day 3.  During the night a pack of marauding geckos furiously attacked my bunch. Writing this is helping me come to terms with what happened and I now feel I can finally  let go....also look what is in our fridge.

The red fruit is a dragon fruit. Stains like you would not believe and very juicy. Great favourite with seren as she thinks she is drinking dragon blood.

The big bunch of brown fruit are longan. They are similar to a lychee. I crack the outer with my teeth then peel them open. They have a black stone inside which you do not eat.

Saved the best for last. The mangosteen are the two dark purple fruit. There is quite a bit of husk to them but inside is this great white fruit. I did wonder why at the fruit stalls the vendors seemed to be always eating mangosteen. They just didn't look very nice so I never bothered. But then , without going to Monty Python, just out of curiosity I tried a bit. What a flavour. Things will never be the same.


Mark said...

Ant! have to see the size of them.....huggggeeeeee.....

Mark said...

No Glynis ...those ants aren't big...the bananas are very small