Monday, January 27, 2014

Green tea latte hot

Buck fever. It is where you spend 3 days lugging a rifle around the Urewera mountains and then the moment you see a deer, get so excited that you forget which end the bullets come out. No animals were hurt in my hunting trips.

On Tuesday a huge eagle  floated past our balcony. I would have loved to get a photo for all to enjoy but unfortunately fumbled with the camera. The most you would have got is a selfie of myself with an excited look on my face. 

This bird of prey definitely had a presence about it but not the greatest looking bird. When I think eagle I think American type but maybe these are different. Or maybe the Americans make there national birds look nicer. Pimp my bird.

Speaking of birds I really like our kiwi. Drab, not very bright .. forgot how to fly and scrambles around the forest floor after dark. I don't care. I just think they are awesome. Somewhere deep and hidden must be some patriotism. Went to Australia day BBQ today. I was really envious, it was great. I wish there was a New Zealand day.

Anyway, fast forward a few days, on the same balcony at night a little bat was doing circuits. Great  watching how close he could fly to the walls without collision. I told Glynis about it, so she switched the light on to see better , and my little friend disappeared forever.

My chronological order is getting confused. Back to today. Australia day, Great. Glynis could not go as had a bad cold. When we arrived home myself and Seren  had a swim in the pool. Got back from that and Glynis asked if we could go and get her some lemons and honey for her cold. Told her she was a nuisance but I would do anything to stop her coughing and spluttering over me at night.

Went to the hypermarket and brought lemons, honey and sushi for Glynis while  Seren and I had rice, black chicken and nann bread. Just about to close the car door to leave when a voice stopped me. There was a smartly dressed  women and a toddler who said she needed a lift to Batu Ferringhi. She claimed she had forgot her cards so had no money to get a taxi. I had Seren with me so had to think quick about if I should taxi her home. Made sure it was just her and child then said yes and took her where she wanted. (Nowhere near where I live). She said she was Spanish (she had olive complexion)  and her husband was a lawyer who was on a business trip in KL. I was sort of buying it until she said she only had 5RM and was going to have to live on bread. I smell scam. That would make me the mark.

Once we dropped her and son off , myself and Seren had a long talk about how we both felt really uncomfortable. I am not sure what I could do differently next time. Maybe just taking the hit and giving taxi fare would be the more correct approach. One thing for sure I cannot be trusted to do the shopping. I went for some lemons but almost came back with Spanish women and child. I cannot shop unsupervised because I always bring back the wrong thing.

Yesterday I met a friend  (vegetarian) for lunch and we talked meditation, religion etc. After this I was under orders from my sick wife to take her tumbler to the Starbucks drive thought window. I ordered her usual grande latte hot and returned bearing the precious brown liquid. It is usually a pleasant time for me as the coffee offering tends to calm the beast.

Unfortunately this time there was no brown coffee in the tumbler but a strange smelling green liquid. Glynis was convinced I was joking with her and that after eating a vegetarian meal I had somehow thought to replace her coffee with a green shake of unknown vegetable extraction. I can assure you I take her coffee addiction very seriously. A return trip to Starbucks brings up a little known fact. If I say grande latte hot it can sound like green tea latte hot. Try it. Another mystery solved.

Or is it. I am a member of the school Parents Association and get all the messages. At the start of writing this blog a message came through from a member that cosmo rays are entering earth from mars and that BBC has been informed by NASA etc. I texted back not to panic and the report was fake. Hey , I don't want to be scammed twice in the same day. Actually I would have loved to text back the reports are true and we should all wrap up in aluminium foil. Unfortunately I ran this idea past my wife first and it was not well received! :-))

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Anonymous said...
