Thursday, January 1, 2015

In other news

The wind was picking up large fairies ( seed dispersal type) from the jungle below. They were massive, so like any great hunter decided I needed to capture one. Make no mistake, these were not ordinary, these were trophy size fairies. Relentlessly I bounced around the patio trying to catch some but without success. The wind was gaining strength and it started to rain so gave up and made my way inside. Suddenly I noticed a fairy linger on the patio outside.

Quick as a flash I dashed out, misjudged the stairs and crashed awkwardly on the tile deck. Laying there in the rain and storm I wondered where the most pain was coming from.  In the end the big toe won. It had bravely taken the brunt of the fall. It was black and blue for a week and I was very nervous about other peoples feet being near mine. It was a lucky escape and my days of fairy catching sober may be over. One thing for sure , nobody must ever know of this.

 I wanted to place a photo of the damaged toe here but apparently it is too disgusting.    In other news....

                         Ready for a frozen themed birthday party

                                                     The children always find the best bugs when we go walking.

                                    Hummingbird on our hallway light.                                                    

 Glynis is very strict with her no animals in the house rule. We are forever shooing birds and reptiles from the apartment.  Seren and I would encourage and feed them given half the chance

                                                                          Pure monkey business

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