Friday, April 8, 2016

Creatures and dark happenings

This will make your toes curl. We are all sitting at a restaurant waiting for our food to be delivered.

A guy at another table gets Brian's attention and warns Brian  there is a spider crawling up his leg.  Quick as a flash Brian knocks the spider away. It falls to the sand floor and I took this photo when it hopped onto Brian's formal beach shoes.

We are all having a laugh as you do when incy wincy spider tries to climb you. We were wondering where the spider had got to when Brian spots him again. He is now sitting on the edge of our table, just staring at Brian.

Australians have amazing reflexes when it comes to this sort of thing. Gina was having none of this. No one messes with her man.  With an overhand delivery her formal beach shoe slammed into the table top.

It missed Mr Spider by mere inches. He had seen it coming and did this quite amazing jump. I am sure he was yelling "yippee" but in a little spider voice so we could not hear him.

With the spider jump into a packed restaurant it left us wondering whose soup spider eventually landed in.

Now with the spider gone and  the jokes finally subsiding, we continued enjoying our meal. Only there was a lingering doubt. Every now and then I would scan under the table to make sure nothing else nasty was going for a leg climb.

I had just finished an under-table scan and looked up at Brian. I don't believe this. "Dude, its on your shoulder".  What ever message this spider was trying to convey to Brian it never got the chance. Once again it was knocked away.  Three strikes and you are out. In fact we were out.

At this stage everyone's nerves were frayed. We moved to another table. I was thinking maybe a larger distance move. Another restaurant, island, country, planet.

This is a photo Glynis took a few days later  She was walking along quite merrily when she got an itchy ear. With her finger she felt something bigger than an itch and hooked it out. Another spider. It left her with a couple of bites on her ear. I will keep my eye on her to see if she morphs into anything useful, there is a bit of circus work going around at the moment.

Its so much safer in the sea, completely submerged.

Nothing to judge scale. This thing was massive. Would feed a family of three. Probably not my family. We would fight over who got the breast meat and who got the legs.

Slinking down the coconut tree.

Cutie sitting on the branches next to our bungalow

1 comment:

Brian said...

My poor little baby..just wanted a cuddle!!