Friday, April 8, 2016

Perhentian below the surface

It was the end of the monsoon season and we had just missed some heavy rain so the water was murky compared to our previous trip

Still an amazing place. Nobody can visit Perhentians just once. Its just not possible.

There is so much color and life under the water

Clownfish but for some reason people now call them Nemo fish

This stingray took off at speed leaving a trial of sand. He got a  surprise when I knelt on his pointy bit. To be honest I thought he was  sand and not sure who got the biggest fright.

Found a faulty fish. He had forgotten how to do fish and swim level. A quick check revealed no reset button. Someone with technical knowledge needs to Control-Alt-Delete this fish and get him back to normal operation.

Ironic that it was Easter and I found two underwater easter eggs.

Then I realized I was just being silly.

These were obviously pods for an alien life form that would one day hatch and  initiate world domination. We are all doomed I tell you.

Meanwhile I marvel at the color of a ray.

Seren dives down to hassle some clown fish. If you point your finger at them they assume you are considering moving into the anemone home. Homes like that are hard to come by. They would burst out and aggressively posture as much as you can when you are two inches long and dress like a clown.

 Our best snorkeling was on the final day when the swell had subsided.  We tried 3 places to snorkel. The first was at the lighthouse but very strong current meant we had to give up. The second was a nice bay but the previous unsettled weather had brought thousands of stinging jellyfish into it.

The final dive was almost perfect. Great visibility and there was known to be reef sharks in the area. I tried to attract sharks buy peeing in the water but not much happened apart from a small damsel fish giving me a second glance.

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Gina said...

Great pics Mark, and a wonderful holiday😎😎

Brian said...

Looks amazing Mark, Glynnis and Seren wish I was there...Oh wait. Great week away with a lovely family